12 week beach body challenge over !

So our challenge has come to an end and the results are in. Upon reflection I can honestly say that this has changed my life and for the best. I have learnt so much and know I have the ability and determination to make it happen.

I lost

4.2kgs (not what I hoped for but that’s okay)
Around waste, hips, arms,legs.

I was dreading the weigh in because I know I lost my way there a fair few times but as I sit here and reflect I realise that I fought hard and was challenged a lot throughout. Given that I was returning to work and at first I was working my bosses job for four weeks along with a full week in the lead up and I was faced with figuring out what was going to happen with Elliott upon my return. I can say I achieved a lot. I know where I went wrong and how I can improve and it’s not over yet.

IVE LOST 21kgs in total so far and I’m ready for a massively successful future.

I didn’t post as often as I should have but I know I can improve that too.

Soooo what’s next!!

4kgs in 4weeks. This requires a lot of hard work including four bootcamp/PT sessions per week and one game OF NETBALL per week. I would also like to fit in 10,000 steps per day on my tracker. I know I can do it cause IM ALREADY DOING IT!

So here goes.

Good, healthy diet
Lots if exercise.

“Love the skin you’re in
