We welcome Khloe Kandice.. One month down !

One month ago we welcomed baby Khloe into the mix of our little family… I couldn’t be happier with what we have gone and created. A little, dainty sweet heart of a child who has filled my heart with even more love then I could have ever  imagined. Our boy is beside himself with excitement and dad is besotted by his baby girl.

I made it through the first month unscathed but it certainly was no walk in the park. When I looked at these pictures I thought ‘gee they look like we are one white picket fence off a perfect family, I LOVE THEM’. But to be honest they only tell one part of the story. With the wonderful surprises  comes challenges just as big and almost as jolting.

The sleepless nights, hormonal ups and downs and feelings of isolation might have to be the most difficult aspects of bringing a little baby into the world. Im happy to say however that I made it through the first month and here I am still as pleased to say I have the family I’ve always wanted…

I love my family and can’t wait to be challenged over and over and over again…



33 weeks pregnant and getting bigger by the minute 

I’m down to the last 7weeks of pregnancy and so far I’ve gained 11 kilos. I have truly outdone myself over the last week and ate enough shit to feed a small nation! I’m not giving in though. Filled my fridge with goodness yesterday and am getting back into exercise today. Taking the kids to be park. Seven weeks of good eating and walking. Let’s see if I can stick to it 🙂 

I’m determined. 


30 weeks pregnant

Today marks 30 weeks of pregnancy!

yahoo only 10 weeks to go (I hope). The last 30 weeks have been different to my first pregnancy. Knowing what to expect has given me some sense of safety and security and also the changes Ive made in my life has put me in an entirely different space.

This pregnancy has not been easy to say the least. I have tried hard not to gain weight like I did last pregnancy (44kgs to be exact) and to be healthy and conscious of what I am putting in my body. Its been tough! I’ve gained 9kgs (already more then I hoped for the entire pregnancy) but I’m not getting caught up in downing myself but trying really hard to just keep on chugging along while trying to make improvements to my diet and exercise regime.

I’m working with midwives and in pregnancy research so my brain is in an entirely different place. I am working on my freelance journalism career, trying to slowly break back into the media scene. I’m currently in a stage of transition, making changes and setting myself up. Oh and I shoudl also mention today is the day we become home owners. We move in Monday! life has certainly brought me to a different place.

I am optimistic about my future and what it holds.

Mostly I’m excited about being a mum and looking forward to having a daughter and a friend for my son Elliott. But I am also positioning myself for bigger and better things in the future. I see a masters (and maybe a PHD),  journalism and foreign correspondence, production and so much more !


Why you should eat chia seeds…

Why you should eat more chia seeds. 
I try to start each day with two tablespoons of chia. If I can fit more in throughout the day I do. I love the texture and crunch so I don’t mind it on anything. I put one or a bit less of a tablespoon in my 350ml protein shake (too many makes it clumpy) and then a teaspoon over my breakfast. Then the rest in a cup of water. 

For those who don’t like it I would just shot it with water of the morning to get it out of the way. The health benefits make it so worth it.



home made baked beans with mixed veg and spinach and an egg

This took me a total of 11 minutes to prepare. I have all my veggies chopped and ready to go in containers in the fridge

12 weeks of health and fitness…while pregnant.

This week marks the second of a 12 week health and fitness challenge I’m taking part in to improve my health and remain focused on having a healthy pregnancy. At 18 weeks what better time to step up exercise and improve nutrition !?!

This is the second Beach Body Challenge I have participated in with expectations of positive outcomes. We started the challenge by setting out goals, listing our WHY, then outlining a strategy around achieving your desired results  !

I would totally recommend that anyone looking to improve their health and well being DO THIS! It gives you a clear understanding of the outcomes you want and your motivation!

For me things have changed dramatically since last year. After gaining 44kgs my first pregnancy I was focused/horrified by my weight! I was determined to reduce that number on the scale. The challenge taught me that there is so so so much more the a  number on a scale and this year weight is no longer the desired outcome but a side effect to being healthy. For me it is about altering life long habits and replacing them with new ones.

Over the next 12 weeks I will  share my journey in hopes of keeping myself accountable.

12 week beach body challenge over !

So our challenge has come to an end and the results are in. Upon reflection I can honestly say that this has changed my life and for the best. I have learnt so much and know I have the ability and determination to make it happen.

I lost

4.2kgs (not what I hoped for but that’s okay)
Around waste, hips, arms,legs.

I was dreading the weigh in because I know I lost my way there a fair few times but as I sit here and reflect I realise that I fought hard and was challenged a lot throughout. Given that I was returning to work and at first I was working my bosses job for four weeks along with a full week in the lead up and I was faced with figuring out what was going to happen with Elliott upon my return. I can say I achieved a lot. I know where I went wrong and how I can improve and it’s not over yet.

IVE LOST 21kgs in total so far and I’m ready for a massively successful future.

I didn’t post as often as I should have but I know I can improve that too.

Soooo what’s next!!

4kgs in 4weeks. This requires a lot of hard work including four bootcamp/PT sessions per week and one game OF NETBALL per week. I would also like to fit in 10,000 steps per day on my tracker. I know I can do it cause IM ALREADY DOING IT!

So here goes.

Good, healthy diet
Lots if exercise.

“Love the skin you’re in


#day13 Beach Body Challenge

Almost two weeks in and I feel good not GREAT good just good! Week one was terrible. I was negative and unmotivated but the last week I put my healthy prepared eating in place. I have been working my bosses job this week so it’s been a challenge.

This week is going to be GREAT! Like GREATGREAT!

#Day16 breakfast

I never used to eat breakfast…. EVER! Now I can say I’ve “changed my story” and breakfast has become such an important part of my day. Without it I turn to chocolate or sugar by about 1pm. So I rely on it to sustain me until lunch and then till dinner. It’s unbelievable to me how much eating breakfast changes the entire days eating pattern. It sets the mood. I also am loving starting the day with a cup of lemon and green tea or just hot water with a squeeze of lemon.

I started the day with nuts, eggs, smoked salmon and avocado. Enough to get me going for the day.
